How to wear a Statement Biker Jacket

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Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset


The sunny afternoons and freezing nights force you to think twice as hard on how to make one outfit work for two separate temperature zones, especially if you have plans after work.  I can barely put together one outfit at 6 am in the morning but I will accept the challenge. After trying on multiple outfits and trying to figure out how to find the middle ground between two temperature zones, I finally solved my dilemma. I thought to myself, Why not wear all my fall jackets in spring again? Fall and spring outfits are easily transferable considering the up & down weather changes. Your favorite jacket acts as the base (statement piece) of the look. I am loving this staple biker jacket that adds a little extra edge with the different fabrics. The jacket has a warm & comfy feeling but also has a bit of an edgy feeling that I love. After finding the base of your outfit the rest should be easy to figure out. Always remember “your statement piece can either make or break our outfit”.

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